Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Beaded jewelry necklaces appear on CNN

This morning while tuned into CNN, and like most of America, sipping coffee checking on the state of the world, I noticed Deborah Feyrick. She was reading the news, and had a striking necklace adorning her polished morning attire. Wow, I thought--these are just like Peggy's on the Magical Silver Jewelry Website. How cool is that?
I spoke with Peggy Burgess earlier in the week and she is doing shows, working Clematis in West Palm Beach and when she needs to escape from the rigors of South Florida hits the road for South Carolina! Peggy always has a story and is a joy to chat with. Her beautiful jewelry creations--all HANDMADE can be viewed at or scene in person every Thursday during the months of October, November and December at Clematis. Other Artists worth checking out who display on the Magical Silver Jewelry website include: Don Dietz with his world famous black Coral, Jane Levy with her green silver jewelry (reclaimed from scrap computers!), Terry and a host of others . . . all Handmade and one of a kind. So, now as I watch news anchors--and their accessories, do I Facebook them and tell them about one cool website? Time will tell . . .

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Cool Jewelry for your Fall Fashion

Fall is almost here and the Glamour magazines hit the newsstands with the latest fashion trends of the season! Inside the cover we noticed large multi-colored beaded earrings. Magical Silver Jewelry (found at ) carries just this kind of accessory, all handmade by artisan Peggy Burgess. Wonderful one of a kind earrings among many to choose from—so you don’t show up at the office wearing a duplicate of what the Department store had on sale the past weekend! Also featured are small Italian handbags, by Harriet Marcus. Her unique and clever handles are designed to double as necklaces—now that’s stretching your fashion dollar!! Magical Silver Jewelry has many Hip necklaces that add just the distraction for that basic black outfit. Jane Levy, Simone or Terry adds a uniqueness and style not to be found anywhere! These are truly beautiful accessories that “make the look.” Check now for the many handmade necklaces, earrings and bracelets all carried by Magical Silver Jewelry--simply by clicking the link above. What style talks to you?

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Don Dietz Creating Custom Black Coral Jewelry

Don Dietz is well known and respected in the lapidary circles. And, he continues to impart his knowledge and his skill at the Boca Raton Museum of Art-- Art School teaching several jewelry classes. Besides his expertise in the natural gemstone jewelry fabrication, he is famous for his black coral jewelry, some of which can be viewed at Currently he has about eight projects "on the bench" with several new orders being placed for custom black coral pieces. Black coral is easily found on the beaches on Florida and with a creative eye and skillful touch become wearable works of art! As they become finished and available for viewing, perhaps I can talk him into a few photographs for everyone to see!